Producer | Tim Smith's |
Country | United States |
Style | Moonshine |
Sku | 96874 |
Size | 750ml |
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This high-quality raw whiskey is something very special, as it was developed by none other than Tim Smith of the Moonshiners and is distilled in Virginia according to his family's original recipe. A true delight! The original recipe is distilled from corn, rye, and barley malt. Clean and natural tasting with a subtle sweetness and bold defiance.
Pot-distilled and bottled by Belmont Farms Distillery in Culpeper, Virginia.
As America's Most Wanted Moonshiner. Tim Smith is pursued by lawmen and drinkers alike. With his dog, Camo, faithfully guarding the still from intruders, Tim pot-distills his moonshine the same way his family has for generations. It's what makes Tim Smith's Climax Moonshine one of the best in the world.
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